Music Theory III
Build you musical skills with this upper level music theory course. Students will study: triads, inverted chords, figured bass, major chord progressions, minor scales, augmented and diminished triads, minor chord progressions, modes, melodic harmonization, broken chords, arpeggios, 12-bar blues, binary, ternary and rondo forms. Registration price includes a music theory text/workbook.
12 weekly classes
Thursdays 8:00 - 8:45 AM
January 11th - April 8th
(no class February 22 or March 21)
Class Location TBD
Class Price: $150 per student
Payments may be made in two equal installments, or pay in full by the first class to receive a 10% discount.
Music Theory II
Music Theory I
Increase your understanding of how music works. This intermediate level class will cover the following topics: major scales, key signatures, chromatic scales, intervals, the circle of 5ths, solfege, transposition, dotted notes, triplets, syncopation, triads, scale degree names and V7 chords. Registration price includes a music theory text/workbook.
12 weekly classes
This class is not currently being offered.
Class Price: $150 per student
Payments may be made in two equal installments, or pay in full by the first class to receive a 10% discount.
Learn the building blocks of how music is constructed. This introductory level course will cover the following topics: staff, notes, pitches, treble clef, bass clef, time signatures, dynamics, tempo markings, articulation, sharps, flats, naturals, whole steps, and half steps. Registration price includes a music theory text/workbook.
12 weekly classes
This class is not currently being offered.
Class Price: $150 per student
Payments may be made in two equal installments, or pay in full by the first class to receive a 10% discount.